Saturday 8 March 2014

How to Satisfy A Woman

Learn how to satisfy a woman by following the following steps:

#1: Let'S go.
It's okay to think ahead of having se'x thoughts like "It's going to be awesome", "We will both have a great time". Once you are in the moment, you have to let go of all of those thoughts. It doesn't matter if they are positive or negative. Simply let go of them.

Don't plan ahead and stick to a plan. That's the worst thing you can do. Having se'x is not the same as building a career or a building. It's okay to give the impression that you know what's about to happen. But make sure you don't force it.

#2: Be dominant.
The vast majority of women are submissive. It doesn't matter what they do in their lives. They earn to be with a strong and dominant guy. They may not say it logically with words. They communicate it at all times through their actions.

#3: Be present & Active.
You have to put aside all your worries, insecurities and unrelated thoughts. Immerse yourself in the moment and be with her. How to satisfy a woman is more about being right there than performing some aerobics or doing the right movement.

#4: Be calm.
Rushing is a sign of insecurity when it comes to se'x. Rushing ahead is great while you do other types of activities like getting things done. Se'x has its own rhythm. You can feel it if you pay attention. You can feel it because it's something natural.

#5: Constantly Change the situation based on how you feel.
Do things that you've never tried before. Try different positions, ways of breathing and anything else that you feel like it. Do the unexpected. She will love it.

#6: Lead.
You need to take charge of the situation. As a man, you will give her pleasure by showing her what kind of emotional states are really possible for her. She will follow you and enjoy the journey. When you take complete responsibility for yourself, her and the situation she will open up. She will let go, feel more feminine and participate in the process.

#7: Allow your intuition guide you
Your intuition is how your unconscious mind responds to the situation. Your mind tells you what you should do next. And you get its indicators from the way you feel deep inside. You need to be with your awareness in your body.

#8: Use emotional talk.
You can either associate yourself in the situation or be dissociated. Women are most of the time associated with what's happening. Being immersed and associated in the experience will help you be more in touch with your emotions.

#9: Keep it light & be too serious.
When learning how to satisfy a woman, the worst thing you can do is to be too serious about it. Don't give it too much importance.

#10: Sharing.
How to satisfy a woman is more about giving, about sharing an experience than about getting anything out of it. When you focus on giving, you will also take from it. When you worry too much about taking, you are unlikely to be satisfied from the experience.

This is because you try to impose your mental concepts and ideas on the experience. The experience represents much more than how you think about it. How you think about the experience is like a map. And the actual experience is like a terrain.

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