Monday 31 March 2014

The first 3 contestants to make it to the Top twelve stage in the Etisalat sponsored Nigerian Idol season 5.

Jesse Okonkwo, Lisa Omoregebe, and Elvis Ejiro are the first 3 contestants to make it to the Top twelve stage in the Etisalat sponsored Nigerian Idol season 5.

On last week’s show, the second group of 10 comprising of  Eye-D, Nex2, Xolani, Shola, Henry Mc-John, Joy, Victoria, Dawn, Jahtell, and Miss Oge, sang their hearts to the fullest to qualify for the next round of the competition. if your To vote, please dial the number of their favourite contestant on an Etisalat line or you can  send the contestant’s number to 33680 via SMS. Voting lines will close Wednesday at . see pho12AM SEE PHOTOS...

Speaking after the show, Modupe Thani, Head, Events and Sponsorship said, “As a youth-oriented brand, Etisalat is passionate about growing and nurturing talent among the youths. We have identified music as a major talent and we are excited that we are promoting it through Nigerian Idol”.

Do they deserve it?

Women deserves to be raped - says a poll in Brazil

According to a report by AFP, a poll in Brazil says a woman who shows off her body deserves to be raped. We are talking about Brazil, the land of samba, voluptuous carnival dancers and mini bikinis.
Of the 3,810 respondents of both sexes who responded to the government’s Institute of Applied Economic Research (IPEA) survey released last week, about 2,480 - 65% - justified raping women who wear “clothing that shows off the body.”
And 58.5% of respondents also agreed that “if women knew how to behave, there would be fewer rapes.”
This poll has triggered outrage in the country, especially when it was revealed that most of the poll’s respondents - 66.5% - were women. So wait, it is okay to walk near-naked in a carnival, but not in real life? And women are the ones who believe this

SHOCKING STORY:shocking traditional practices for marriage in Ethiopia

African tribes are known for their strange rituals and shocking traditional practices but four specific tribes seem to have a totally strange requirement for their women.  The Surma and Mursi people of Ethiopia as well as the Sara and Lobi people of Chad have a strange practice of forcing women to have Lip plates.
The lip plate is a form of body modification made from clay or wood) and inserted into a pierced hole in either the upper or lower lip, or both, thereby stretching it. Among the Surma and Mursi people of the lower Omo River valley in Ethiopia, about 6 to 12 months before marriage, a young woman has her lip pierced by her mother or one of her kinswomen, usually at around the age of 15 to 18.

The initial piercing is done as an incision of the lower lip of 1 to 2 cm length, and a simple wooden peg is inserted. After the wound has healed, which usually takes between two and three weeks, the peg is replaced with a slightly bigger one. At a diameter of about 4 cm, the first lip plate made of clay is inserted. Every woman crafts her own plate and takes pride in including some ornamentation. The final diameter ranges from about 8 cm to over 20 cm.
Surma men have several wives, most of the time in different villages. When a woman is pregnant she cannot have any sexual relations until the year following childbirth. If the husband dies, his wives go living with the oldest of his wives. in Suri culture men are allowed whereas women are not, because the man is considered to have paid a high economic price for his wife. Piercing and lip plates are a strong part of the Suri culture.

These traditional adornments are worn by almost all the adult Suri women. Ear labrets are worn by women, but also men. When a Suri woman is about to be married, usually in her teens (around 14 or 15), she disappears from village life to live in her family hut. The gap between her front lip and the flesh below is pierced and gradually stretched. In the beginning a hole is made in the lip with a wooden stick. The strecth continues as successively bigger discs of clay or wood are accomodated by the disfigured lip.

Generally the two lower front teeth are pulled (or knocked) out to aid the process. The final size of the plates determines how many cattle the woman will receive as a dowry, so the more stretched her lip the better, and the more the more cattle the woman is worth. Some women have stretched their lips so as to allow plates up to 20 cm in diameter. Having a lip plate is considered a sign of beauty. The origins of this tradition are unknown.

Sometimes the lip is broken by the pressure of the lip plate. This is a very big problem for girls because men will consider them as ugly, and they won't be able to marry anyone in the tribe apart from old men or ill people. Although it is seen as a sign of beauty nowadays, it is said that the disfigurement began as a way to prevent slavers from seizing Surma women. Over the last few years, a growing number of young Suri women refuse to have their lip pierced. The  increasing exposure and opening  of the Suri to other cultures is the main reason of this trend. Indeed, some Suri teenagers have t

Research by National Geographic shows that, for Mursi and Surma women, the size of their lip plate indicates the number of cattle paid as the bride price. But, anthropologist Turton, who has studied the Mursi for 30 years, denies this.

It has thus been noted that reasons for wearing the plate vary with tribes. Sources in Chad claim that the plate’s size is a sign of social or economical importance. But, because of natural mechanical attributes of human skin, the plate’s size may often depend on the stage of stretching of the lip and the wishes of the wearer.

Elders of the Surma have alo confirmed that the plates are used among women as a form of initiation and to symbolize social maturity by indicating a girl’s eligibility to be a wife. The value of the ornamentation symbolises female strength and self-esteem.

This adornment has attracted thousands tourists to view the Mursi and Surma women. In the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, African women wearing lip plates were brought to Europe and North America for exhibit in circuses and sideshows. Truly, the world has its fair share of wonders. 


This is unbelievable, I am still very confused about this, can a Photoshoped picture be this perfect?


Across big cities in Nigeria, they cruise around in flashy cars and own good businesses but in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), many Nigerian ladies engage in prostitution to keep their businesses afloat.

Flashy cars. Blinking bank accounts. Good businesses. They have it all. The good things of all fall on their laps. Like the queens that many see them to be outside, they live large.

Welcome to the world of the Nigerian 'big babes' who call the shots as far as prostitution is concerned in Dubai, that artificial creation in the United Arab Emirates which has caught the world’s attention.

Dubai covers an area of 1500 square miles and sits 52 feet above sea level. It is the gateway to Asia and is described as the Las Vegas of the Middle East. On the streets of Dubai, these ladies are the centre of attraction and back home, especially in cities such as Lagos, Abuja and Port Harcourt, they own big businesses and drive flashy cars, yet from time to time, they acquire two months visa to Dubai for no reason other than to indulge in commercial sex. With the help of syndicates, they secure accommodation in hotels and apartments.

It came as a shock to this reporter, whose first time it was in Dubai. Having booked her accommodation online at the Africana Hotel, Deira, she was hopeful to have some quiet time and arriving the Dubai International Airport and seeing the Arabs all covered, with warning prohibiting indecency, she thought: "At least, there is some decency here!"

But she was soon to realize that beneath the cleanliness and splendour of the city lies a dirty trade, which even Sheiks are said to patronise when no one is watching. The moment this reporter stepped into the hotel she had reserved online, she saw an army of half-naked women, parading the premises.
Shocked by the contrast, she had quickly asked: "What's going on here?" The reply from the smiling front desk person was: "They are from your country, Nigeria. They are our guests. See these ladies, they pair themselves in a room, some even stay three in a room. So, in case you want to save money, you can pair with any of them!"
But her response did not quench the reporter's curiosity. It did not answer why half-nude Nigerian women, as early as 9am, were flaunting their bodies in front of the hotel with some black guys giving them signals.
At that moment, she made up her mind she was not going to stay in that hotel but would definitely visit the place at night for a better understanding of the mystery.

Having successfully checked into another hotel, with the help of an agent whose number she got from her friend who frequents Dubai, the reporter revisited the Africana Hotel.
The time was 11pm and the environment well lit, with a beehive of skimpily-dressed trooping in and out of the hotel. Observing quietly, the reporter overheard some of the ladies, seated at the reception complaining how the business has gone sour.

One of the ladies said: "Things are not as easy as they used to be when I started this business. There were some weeks I made about $5,000 from these Arab and European men.
"But since more babes from Nigeria got into it, there are so many ‘runs girls’ in Dubai that for the past one month, I have not made up to $5,000.

"Worst still, some of my clients have suddenly changed and started demanding anal sex. I had a terrible experience recently with a European whom I met inside an elevator at a big hotel.
"We exchanged contacts after he paid $300 for a ‘blow job’ in the elevator. Then, subsequently, we met and had pizza and he offered $1,000 for sex in his apartment.

"I thought he was a decent guy until I got to his apartment. He threatened me with a knife to accept sex with me through the anus or he will kill me.
"I begged him to collect his money and let me go but the oyibo man refused and had his way. Imagine what I have denied most of my contacts, who would have even paid more for it, that stupid European got it by force and still he collected his money back.

"I am just tired of this business. Though I own a big boutique in Festac, it is through these 'runs' that I foot my bills because there is little profit in the boutique business."
Another one, whom they called Jane while sympathising with her friend, told the girls that Alhaja [her pimp] had earlier warned her not to carry money to her customer’s place.
"Alhaja warned me that these days, the men will sleep with you and still collect your money. So, since then, I usually drop any advance payment with her.

"I do not want a situation whereby one stupid man will collect the money I have laboured for. Any valuable thing I have, I usually drop them with Alhaja and she gives me back once I demand for them.
"So, my dear, learn from this experience and most times, it is better you tell the men ahead of time what you can do and what you cannot do," said Jane.
Jane, who claimed she resigned from her place of work in Lagos where she served as a marketer, attributed her resignation to meagre salary.

"I graduated from the university two years ago and got a job where I was paid N20, 000 per month. The hardship and frustration in Nigeria pushed me into prostitution and I have no regrets because I now have a better life. I own my own apartment, a car and a big saloon in Lagos," she said.
Baffled by the revelations of the ladies, the reporter asked a travel agent how the women were able to practise open prostitution in a Muslim country.

Hear him: "Is there anything Nigerians cannot do? Most of these girls I know them in Nigeria. Some are rich and own big businesses, while some are students.
"They apply and acquire two months' visa and with the help of travel agents and some big women, they get accommodation in hotels and even apartment. Then, those women who also have guys working for them usually link them up with men.

"Most of them register and submit their international passports to the women or their contact persons and every night; this is how they keep going about.
"It is very embarrassing that Nigerian ladies, including married women, come here for prostitution. That is how one of them saw me in Festac last year and she was hiding because she knows I know what she does in Dubai.

"Once a woman calls me that she wants two months' visa, I just know that is what she is coming for and I turn them down. Some will say there is no job in Nigeria and they want to come and hustle.
"What is paining me now is that this nonsense that they do has made it difficult for us to secure genuine visas for decent people. Also, most hotels have increased their rates, with some even refusing to give their rooms to single women coming to stay that long.

"If you go around this neighbourhood [Deira], you will see that these stupid girls even rent apartments, which they keep and pay for even while they are in Nigeria, yet they claim it is unemployment and poverty that led them into prostitution.

"It is a serious issue and I think the Federal Government needs to act on it urgently, if not, these girls will spread diseases in Nigeria, aside the bad image they are painting of the country already," said the travel agent.
Continuing, the agent narrated how one of the prostitutes approached a client of his who lodged in the hotel sometime in June.

"The girl just knocked on the door and when my client opened, she called her outside and was telling her to stop acting like a child. I just stood by the door and I was hearing their conversation. She told my client that most of the men who have seen her want her to play by the game.

"But my client refused and told the lady that she was in Dubai for business and not prostitution and the girl, while insisting, said most of them own businesses in Nigeria and that they prostitute to cover their expenses.
"She even said that my client can make the money she will use to buy her goods in one night, thereby she would not spend the money she came with or buying more things.
"I was so angry that I had to come out and warn the girl to mind her business and allow my client who has told her she was not interested in prostitution.

"That was why I came immediately you told me she gave you my number and that you want a decent place to stay," he said.

Yet in this city, there are strict religious laws against prostitution. A western women once got a month imprisonment for a peck on the cheek. The law in Dubai has clear rules that prostitution is illegal. If you are caught by the police, both you and the prostitute will be put into jail and wait for the sentence of the local court.

If you are not a national, apart from the punishment of being sentenced by the court, you will be asked to leave the UAE and will not be allowed back in again.

There are different categories of prostitutes in Dubai. There are the willing ones and the forced ones who are threatened into it by pimps. The bulk of the Nigerian ladies in the trade are the willing ones and if they are caught, unfortunately, they will go for it -

Sunday 30 March 2014

Life of Jay Z and Beyoncé.

Jay Z and Beyonce are one of world's richest and most talented couples. Their net worth is estimated to be about $775 million.

Beyoncé and Jay Z only buy the best of the best.when they head to some of the most luxurious locales in the world. Buying $20,000 a night for a Penthouse in Paris and $400,000 for a mansion in the Hamptons. Together, Beyoncé and Jay Z are the highest earning celeb couple in the world and have no worries about spending a ton of cash on whatever they see or think

Jay got her a vintage Rolls Royce for a cool million bucks,By the time their daughter Blue Ivy was 2 days old, she had already amassed a collection of baby gear worth $1.5 million. For Beyoncé's 25th birthday, . Bey returned the favor and got him a $2 million Bugatti Veyron Sport, one of the most expensive cars in the world.

Beyoncé and Jay Z have luxurious taste and always have a stunning look from head to toe. From Bey's wig collection worth $1 million, to Jay's $2500 custom sneakers covered in nine animals skins and $4000 custom Tom Ford suits, these two truly are style icons.

 Check their love and fab life after the cut

PHOTOS:Sunday morning lesbian alert..Michelle & Cara frolic in the sea

New lesbian couple, Fast & Furious actress Michelle Rodriguez and supermodel Cara Delevingne were photographed passionately kissing in the Carribean sea yesterday as they enjoyed a romantic holiday in Tulum, Mexico. Continue to see more pics...


VIDEO:High school girl willingly gave sex to classmate after class(18+)

Oh My Goooo.... I cant believe my eyes. I really wonder what this world is turning into.

Parents! Parents!! Parents!!! Obviously you can't see everything they do but please for every little opportunity you get out of your very busy schedule to be with your child, try and sit him/her down and discuss issues like this with them, telling them the negative effect of doing such things at such tender age and at public places even when they eventually grow old enough to do such, Never Think They Are Too Young For Such Lesson Otherwise They Will Be Thought By The Very Wrong Person(s) or Set of People and after all, Please Be Very Prayerful.

Download and watch What these young girl was doing with two of her classmates after tutorial below...HERE


PHOTOS:Guy post pics of his girlfriend sucking his dick and images of her pussy

What the Hell has this gorgeous Lady done to deserve this from this Guy?

See Uncensored photos shared by lover below

WARNING: Viewers Discretion Advised. Images below are rated 21+, Under 21 please do not click any link below, as doing so proves you are above 21 and also makes you liable to what you see. 

LIKE THEY SAY THE YOUNG SHALL GROW; images of Barack Obama's childhood pics

. Where are the pictures? Where are the interviews with  his teachers, his friends,? Why does no one remember him growing up? Birthers claim that no one from Obama’s past has come forward saying they knew him It’s as if he burst on the scene with no past. Like everything else president obama still looks Good

VIDEO: most popular musician shared a video of herself getting it raw

Maheeda at It Again, Watch video below

Download video with link below